At last!

At last, I've a blog. At first, I thought that I want to use different kind of blog than the others like Wordpress or maybe a website. So that, I make a site "but then~" it doesn't look and function like my friends' blogs so,what's more, i make this new blog. So now I've a blog and an site for me...huhu...don't get jealous bcoz I've a site. Maybe it's not a website like other websites like UNITEN's website but it's still a site. Besides visiting this blog why don't you all visit my site once in a blue moon, bcoz I'm going to update the site only once in blue moon,(hehe..) it's when there is an important and special incident that happens to me. But now, my site is still under construction(repairing coz i want to make it as my official website) but I'm going to tell you all a.s.a.p. when it's done OK.Chao! Kamsahamnida for visiting this blog.huhu...


haziqemphaty said…
aku senior ko taw!
sbb buat lagi awal dari ko!
wei...aku lagi senior!!!!!
haha, nazrin aku dah link blog kau dlm blog aku...
semoga berjaya..
Ibn Batutah said…
semoga yg senior2 tu leh ah tunjuk ajar kat junior ni eh..
fakhruddin said…
poyo seyh
website konon
akhirnye de jugak blog ko yek

ko tau kan yg sejak haziq de blog
die bahan org jek...
ape kate kite knekan die
bahan die habis2an
Ibn Batutah said…
well, nak normalla
asyraf said…
hah. pe lg. xde post baru ke?