Last Tuesday,28/10/08-Hanif, Irham, Imran, Azrai, Syafiq and I went to Genting themepark. We all very enjoyed that day even though there was still many peoples because of tempias Deepavali on the 27th(nway, Happy Deewali to Hanif,hehe..).
First thing first, we met at KL Sentral as promised, but then somebody was quite late and someone was very2 late.hehe...sape tuh yg lambat sangat tu agaknyer eh???cubelah teke,who else Im la. Mase time da nak naik bas tuh(around 9 a.m.) ktrg dok tunggu x smpi2, sampai driver bas marah ktrg,
"Biler kawan kamu ni nak smpi da kol 9 da ni?"
"kejap jer lg pak cik kwn saye da smpi lrt kl sentral da ni."
"ye la da smpi tp biler nk smpi kat sini?"
"kamu tunggu bas kul 9.30, nah tiket 9.30 ni tukar ngan tiket kol9 kamu tuh."
Fuh nasib baik ktrg tukar kalo ktrg suruh die tunggu td ntah silap2 ktrg ni kene pelangkong ngan die, why?
because Im only came there after 25mins later...
hai nape la lmbt sangat ni...
so that, we all departured to Genting, we went there by bus and changed to Skyway then. Hanif is very2 scare to be at a high place, so ape lg terketar2 kat dlm cable car tuh, hehe... sorry hanif tercerite lak. As we were there, all of as wanted to eat cheap food before entered the park cause inside there the food must be expensive, so we went around all over the place just to find a cheap mamak stall which was told by Irham. Pusing punyer pusing finally we found gak ah mencarinyer dekat 20-30 mins gak lah. Letih2...
Then we entered the park and apa lagi serbulah.Hahaha!! sume permainan ktrg main mengalahkan bbdk but that's ok cause we've paid them and we must to fully used them.
first skali ktrg serbu ialah Spinner yg cm buai pusing2 tu,hehe..bes gak.then main spaceshot,hui jantung trtinggak kat atas,then ktrg pon main sume permainan thriller yg lainla cm cyclone,corkscrew,flying coaster,swing ship,euroexpress and many2 more(jgn jealous nyer kudin,hehe...). But 1 jer x syok, anip asal x main skali, sket jer main aku tengok, x kn takot kot,hehe...
Smpi petang tuh about kol 5 lah, we've seperated into 2 group,first my group which consist of Irham,Syafiq and me and the rest was in the other group. So my group's members went to play Bumber Car but then ade sorang budak ntah dr planet maner dok potong line, 2 kali plak tu. Haish geram betul, ape lg evil plan pon tercipta and the mastermind is me. The plan is all of us mesti langgar die bnyk2 kali, ape lg dr start main smpi hbs die kene langgar jer ngan ktrg,hahaha... serve his right! After that, we went around the indoor theme park but there was not so much thing we can played because most of them have to be paid seperately. But there is one thing that i like and I'm going to play it in my next visit to Genting which is Skydiving evnthough I have to pay rm50 but then i think it's worth.
So, immediately after Maghrib has 'came in', we prayed and get ready to go back to KL.
During the journey in the cable car, the surrounding was very2 dark and some cable car got no light in it, suddenly we saw a lightless cable car and a lady in it and sat all alone there without making any move and it was followed by a same condition cable car but this one inside it was a man.
At that time all of us suddenly quiet, and ktrg observed every single cable car passed ours. ha seram gak mlm tu...mcm2 jenis cable car lalu.Yg terang , gelap,berdua2an, sorg2, satu family, and byk lg la.
We arrived at Skyway Lower Station on 8 p.m. and we took 8.30p.m. bus and went back to KL Sentral. At there, Irham and Im went back by Putra and the rest took KTM.Aku sesmpi kat rmh da kol 10.30 mlm. That day was a very tiring but enjoying day for me...

First thing first, we met at KL Sentral as promised, but then somebody was quite late and someone was very2 late.hehe...sape tuh yg lambat sangat tu agaknyer eh???cubelah teke,who else Im la. Mase time da nak naik bas tuh(around 9 a.m.) ktrg dok tunggu x smpi2, sampai driver bas marah ktrg,
"Biler kawan kamu ni nak smpi da kol 9 da ni?"
"kejap jer lg pak cik kwn saye da smpi lrt kl sentral da ni."
"ye la da smpi tp biler nk smpi kat sini?"
"kamu tunggu bas kul 9.30, nah tiket 9.30 ni tukar ngan tiket kol9 kamu tuh."
Fuh nasib baik ktrg tukar kalo ktrg suruh die tunggu td ntah silap2 ktrg ni kene pelangkong ngan die, why?
because Im only came there after 25mins later...
hai nape la lmbt sangat ni...
so that, we all departured to Genting, we went there by bus and changed to Skyway then. Hanif is very2 scare to be at a high place, so ape lg terketar2 kat dlm cable car tuh, hehe... sorry hanif tercerite lak. As we were there, all of as wanted to eat cheap food before entered the park cause inside there the food must be expensive, so we went around all over the place just to find a cheap mamak stall which was told by Irham. Pusing punyer pusing finally we found gak ah mencarinyer dekat 20-30 mins gak lah. Letih2...
Then we entered the park and apa lagi serbulah.Hahaha!! sume permainan ktrg main mengalahkan bbdk but that's ok cause we've paid them and we must to fully used them.
first skali ktrg serbu ialah Spinner yg cm buai pusing2 tu,hehe..bes gak.then main spaceshot,hui jantung trtinggak kat atas,then ktrg pon main sume permainan thriller yg lainla cm cyclone,corkscrew,flying coaster,swing ship,euroexpress and many2 more(jgn jealous nyer kudin,hehe...). But 1 jer x syok, anip asal x main skali, sket jer main aku tengok, x kn takot kot,hehe...
Smpi petang tuh about kol 5 lah, we've seperated into 2 group,first my group which consist of Irham,Syafiq and me and the rest was in the other group. So my group's members went to play Bumber Car but then ade sorang budak ntah dr planet maner dok potong line, 2 kali plak tu. Haish geram betul, ape lg evil plan pon tercipta and the mastermind is me. The plan is all of us mesti langgar die bnyk2 kali, ape lg dr start main smpi hbs die kene langgar jer ngan ktrg,hahaha... serve his right! After that, we went around the indoor theme park but there was not so much thing we can played because most of them have to be paid seperately. But there is one thing that i like and I'm going to play it in my next visit to Genting which is Skydiving evnthough I have to pay rm50 but then i think it's worth.
So, immediately after Maghrib has 'came in', we prayed and get ready to go back to KL.
During the journey in the cable car, the surrounding was very2 dark and some cable car got no light in it, suddenly we saw a lightless cable car and a lady in it and sat all alone there without making any move and it was followed by a same condition cable car but this one inside it was a man.
At that time all of us suddenly quiet, and ktrg observed every single cable car passed ours. ha seram gak mlm tu...mcm2 jenis cable car lalu.Yg terang , gelap,berdua2an, sorg2, satu family, and byk lg la.
We arrived at Skyway Lower Station on 8 p.m. and we took 8.30p.m. bus and went back to KL Sentral. At there, Irham and Im went back by Putra and the rest took KTM.Aku sesmpi kat rmh da kol 10.30 mlm. That day was a very tiring but enjoying day for me...
