Can you believe it’s finals time already? I can’t. Seems like just yesterday I was procrastinating on my final exams and papers from last semester! Ok, whatever it is we have to face the reality that final exam is going near to us!
What should we do then?
· Find out what you can find about the test!
- From the teacher, past year papers and friends!
· Set up a study schedule!
- Analyze your study needs for each class
- Set up several study sessions instead of one cram session
- Maximize your learning style : Quran recite, music, hand on people write. Or use all the learning methods
- Schedule more time for the first final but review for the final exam as well
· Control your concentration!
- Choose a place to study where you will not be interrupted
- Eliminate all the distractions: turn off radio, TV, facebook, messenger, etc. Clear all the materials off desk or table
- Study in groups only if it is helpful to you and not a distraction
· Use all available minutes!
- Review when waiting in line or between classes
· On the day of the Final Exam:
- Get to your Exam Hall a little a head of time
- Listen carefully to any oral instructions and read instructions carefully
- When you receive your test, plan your time for the exam
- Read every word in the question
- Attempt to answer all of the question! (even if you are not sure of the answer)
- Double-check your work for errors before turning in the exam
If all of the efforts u have been done already, and tawakkal is the least that we can do. Lets Allah do the rest.
Last but not least,
"Allah doesn’t give what you want, but Allah gives what you need!"
". . .And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things"( QS. at-Thalaq [65]: 3)