Salam, hari ketiga ni kitorg pergi south part of Jeju. The whole day ktrg kat bahagian selatan Jeju ni. First sekali ktrg pergi satu tempat ni, x ingat la nama die tapi tempat famous disebabkan 2 benda. First satu batu yang dikatakan oleh orang korea umpama seorang perempuan yang berdiri menghadap laut seperti menunggu kepulangan suami yang turun ke laut.

Nampak takade batu mcm tiang kat atas tu lah batu yg mcm permpuan tu, tp berapa kali aku tengok pon x nampak cam permpuan pon...haha~~

Yang kedua ialah tempat ni pernah digunakan untuk berlakon dalam drama 'Jewel in The Palace'@Jang Geum.

Ni salah satu tempat yang diorg shoot, kalau korg tengok diorg shoot kat sini masa Jang Geum jumpa dengan hero.

Now we are goin' to Cheonjiyeong Waterfall.

The water is so clear that even ducks and koi can live there.

This is the Cheonjiyeong Waterfall, one of the most famous spots in Jeju. you can see the water yourself. The water depth is about 4 feet if i'm not been mistaken.

Even there are water weed and fishes in this river.

The next place we went was a place that has a lot of hexagon rock formation.

This woman was selling rambutan laut, but i don't know what its taste like~

This harabuchi was selling postcards and painting potrait near the hexagon formation rock.

Jungmun Beach is one of the white sand beach in Jeju as you all know that Jeju have a lot of black sand beach.

The time I went there it is summer time and there was a lot of oranges being selling along the road and any places in Jeju. Their oranges is superb~ so sweet and nice... they have a lot of oranges species being plant in Jeju. FYI in Korean only Jeju can plant oranges due to its weather which is not so hot and not so cold.

This Ajumma is a woman diver and she was selling many type of shellfish and rambutan laut and even gamat but today she only selling rambutan laut.

This is the Jungmun Beach. But for me Malaysia Beaches far better and nicer than theirs...hehe~~ especially dekat Redang ngan Perhentian.

Now we were in Teseum or you may call it Teddy Bear Museum...


Dae Jang Geum Teddy Bear!

Even more famous! Wonder Girls Teddy Bear~

My happy teddy bear family~

Gonna miss you so much~~

This is our dinner side dishes at the restaurant near our hotel Ocean suite Jeju hotel.
The room was so comfortable and beautiful.

Dinner is serves~
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