
Zakat Gold and Silver.

Gold That is not used(wear) even once in a year.

nisab(the least you must have to be compulsory to pay zakat) = 85 gram
zakat rate = 2.5% of current market price

Gold That is used(wear) daily or sometimes in a year.

'uruf(the least you must have to be compulsory to pay zakat) = 800 gram(Selangor, Malaysia rate)
zakat rate = 2.5% of current market price
For gold jewelry like necklace, ring etc, the 800 gram is only for the gold weight excluding the gems stone.


nisab(the least you must have to be compulsory to pay zakat) = 200 dirham @ 595 gram
zakat rate = 2.5 % of current market price
(this rate and nisab including both silver you not used(keep) even once in a year and silver that you use in daily life)

Saving Zakat(wang simpanan)

Fixed deposit.

nisab(the least you must have to be compulsory to pay zakat) = at least value equal to 85 gram gold@ 200 dirham @ 595 gram silver.
rate = 2.5%

eg: (gold price rm139.6769/gram) x 85 = rm 11872.5365

Normal saving account
How much to pay zakat = the lowest amount of money in your saving through out the year, then multiple with 2.5 %
no nisab.

Salary Zakat.

Income - basic needs = net income.

basics need include:
1) Shelter expenses.
2) daily meals expenses.
3) Dress expenses.
4) education.
5) transportation
6) Changes**(click and refer to LZS about the meaning)

Income(working, shares dividen, renting your house to others, etc) - daily bills(house rent ill,water,electric, etc) - daily support for whom you are supporting like wife, children, etc(food, school, dress, etc) - KWSP - hospitals bills - taxes - shares that has been paid its zakat by the company (like a koperasi, tabung haji dividen, etc) = net income

net income X 2.5% = zakat rate

# all zakat above except salary zakat, must meet the requirement of Haul(the period so that you pay zakat) which is 1 year. When you have it for 1 year then you must pay for it.
Please refer to Lembaga Zakat Selangor(LZS) ,
